1. Data Controller:
The website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) is operated by the company AD AUTO TOTAL S.R.L. (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”), seated in Bucharest, str. Tincani nr. 8, bl. Z18, sc. A, et. 10, ap. 66, sector 6, registration number in the Trade Register J40/29340/1994, Tax no. RO 6844726, with mailing address at its business establishment in Bucharest, Splaiul Unirii nr. 96, sector 4 – entrance via str. Verzisori nr. 16.
In order to operate the Website, the Controller shall collect certain personal data of you. The processing of data shall be carried out pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, and in particular of Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the GDPR).
2. Purposes and legal grounds for data processing:
AD Auto total SRL processes personal data for the following purposes: sale of products from the Controller’s commercial offer, advertising, marketing and publicity for the products and services promoted by the Controller.
The processing of personal data is carried out pursuant to your freely expressed consent by accepting these terms and conditions or by filling in and sending the forms on the Website.
You do not have a legal or contractual obligation or a necessary obligation to conclude a contract for providing us with personal data.
If you do not wish to provide this data to us, the consequence will be that you will not be able to benefit from the products and services provided by the Controller.
3. Categories of data processed:
The Controller shall process the data that you make directly available to it through the Website.
Categories of personal data include surname and forename, contact details (e-mail address), place, company you represent and, in some cases, position held in such company.
For technical reasons, we may also collect certain technical information, data necessary for your connection to the Website (such as the IP address, the type of device and the type of browser you use to connect), as well as the time and date of your connection to the Website.
4. Categories of recipients:
In general, your identity data shall not be disclosed to third parties.
In some cases, your data may be shared with our business partners (such as suppliers of the goods and providers of the services offered through the Website).
5. Use of the contact form:
If you would like to send us a message via the contact form, you must fill in the boxes concerning your first and last name, place and e-mail address. In this situation, we will process this information which constitutes personal data, as well as any other personal data that you will voluntarily communicate to us by means of the contact form.
Your data will be processed for the purposes of correspondence between you and our company, and the legal basis for processing will be your consent, expressed as a result of initiating communication via the contact form. You may withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to its withdrawal, by writing an e-mail to The data shall be kept at least for the duration of our correspondence, and afterwards, if there is a legal basis for keeping it.
6. Newsletter:
Occasionally, you will be sent newsletters, to the e-mail address communicated through the contact form, to inform you about products, offers and campaigns. By filling in and submitting the contact form, you give your consent for receiving them, but you can always oppose to receiving them by simply accessing the link provided within the newsletter.
7. Period of data storage:
Your data will be retained for the duration of your correspondence with the Controller and for a period of 60 days after the correspondence is over. Where correspondence results in the conclusion of a contractual relationship, the data shall be retained for at least the period during which contractual relations exist between the Controller and the company you represent, as well as for the prescription period of the last legal act established between the Controller and that company.
In certain specific cases (such as, but not limited to, cases of fraud, occurrence of disputed situations, requests by public authorities, etc.), the data will be retained for the entire period of time necessary for the event to be definitively clarified.
8. Rights of data subjects:
As a data subject, you have the following rights:
- the right to be informed and to access the data you provide to us, and the right to request rectification, where inaccurate;
- the right to request the deletion of your data and/or restriction of the processing of such data, and the right to object to the processing, in the cases and under the conditions set out in the GDPR;
- the right to data portability, in the cases and under the conditions set out in the GDPR;
- the right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing made based on consent prior to its withdrawal.
To exercise these rights, you can send a written request, dated and signed, to the Controller’s above-mentioned e-mail address: or to the Controller’s above-mentioned mailing address.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing (ANSPCP).
To learn more about exercising your rights, please access the adjoining link that contains General Information on the Processing of Personal Data.
1. Operatorul de date:
Site-ul (denumit in continuare “Site-ul”) este operat de Societatea AD AUTO TOTAL S.R.L. (denumit in continuare „Operatorul”), cu sediul in Bucuresti, str. Tincani nr. 8, bl. Z18, sc. A, et. 10, ap. 66, sector 6, numar de ordine in Registrul Comertului J40/29340/1994, CUI RO 6844726, cu adresa pentru corespondenta la punctul de lucru din Bucuresti, Splaiul Unirii nr. 96, sector 4 – intrarea prin str. Verzisori nr. 16.
Pentru a putea opera Site-ul, Operatorul va colecta anumite date cu caracter personal ale dvs. Prelucrarea datelor se va realiza in temeiul si cu respectarea prevederilor legislatiei aplicabile, si in special ale Regulamentului 679/2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date (denumit in continuare „GDPR”).
2. Scopurile si temeiurile legale ale prelucrarii de date:
AD Auto Total SRL prelucreaza datele cu caracter personal in urmatoarele scopuri: vanzarea produselor din oferta comerciala a Operatorului, reclama, marketing si publicitate pentru produsele si serviciile promovate de Operator,.
Prelucrarea datelor personale se realizeaza in temeiul consimtamantului dvs. liber exprimat prin acceptarea acestor termeni si conditii sau prin completarea si trimiterea formularelor de pe Site.
Dvs. nu aveti o obligaţie legala sau contractuala ori o obligatie necesara pentru incheierea unui contract de a ne furniza date cu caracter personal.
In cazul in care nu doriti sa ne furnizati aceste date, consecinta va fi ca nu veti putea beneficia de produsele si serviciile furnizate de Operator.
3. Categorii de date prelucrate:
Operatorul va prelucra datele pe care i le puneti la dispozitie in mod direct, prin intermediul Site-ului.
Categoriile de date prelucrate includ nume si prenume, date de contact (adresa email), oras, firma pe care o reprezentati si, in unele cazuri, functia detinuta in cadrul acestei firme.
Din motive tehnice, este posibil sa colectam si anumite informatii tehnice, date necesare conectarii dvs. la Site (cum ar fi adresa IP, tipul de dispozitiv si tipul de browser utilizat pentru conectare), precum si date privind ora si data conectarii dvs. la Site.
4. Categorii de destinatari:
In general, datele dvs. de identitate nu vor fi dezvaluite unor terte persoane.
In unele cazuri, datele dvs. pot fi comunicate partenerilor nostri de afaceri (cum ar fi furnizorii bunurilor si serviciilor oferite prin intermediul Site-ului).
5. Utilizarea formularului de contact:
In cazul in care doriti sa ne transmiteti un mesaj prin formularul de contact, este necesar sa completati rubricile privind numele si prenumele dvs., orasul dvs. si adresa de e-mail. In aceasta situatie, vom procesa aceste informatii care constituie date cu caracter personal, precum si orice alte date cu caracter personal pe care ni le veti comunica in mod voluntar, prin intermediul formularului de contact.
Datele dvs. vor fi prelucrate in scopul purtarii corespondentei dintre dvs. si societatea noastra, iar temeiul legal al prelucrarii va fi consimtamantul dvs. exprimat ca urmare a initierii corespondentei prin formularul de contact. Va puteti retrage consimtamantul in orice moment, fara a afecta legalitatea prelucrarii efectuate inainte de retragerea acestuia, printr-un email catre Datele vor fi pastrate cel putin pe durata corespondentei dintre noi, precum si ulterior, daca va exista un temei legal pentru pastrarea acestora.
6. Newsletter:
Ocazional, pe adresa de mail comunicata prin formularul de contact vi se vor transmite newsletter-e prin care veti fi informat cu privire la produse, oferte si campanii. Prin completarea si transmiterea formularului de contact va exprimati acordul pentru receptionarea acestora, insa puteti oricand sa va opuneti la a le mai primi, prin simpla accesare a link-ului aflat in cadrul respectivului newsletter.
7. Perioada stocarii datelor:
Datele dvs. vor fi pastrate pe perioada desfasurarii corespondentei intre dvs. si Operator si o perioada de 60 de zile dupa finalizarea corespondentei. In cazul in care corespondenta va avea drept efect incheierea unui raport contractual, datele vor fi pastrate cel putin pe perioada in care intre Operator si societatea pe care o reprezentati se desfasoara relatii contractuale, precum si pentru termenul de prescriptie aferent ultimului act juridic dintre Operator si respectiva societate.
In anumite cazuri particulare (cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la cazuri de frauda, aparitia unor situatii litigioase, solicitari ale unor autoritati publice, etc.), datele vor fi pastrate pentru intreaga perioada de timp necesara lamuririi in mod definitiv a evenimentului respectiv.
8. Drepturile persoanelor vizate:
In calitate de persoana vizata beneficiati de urmatoarele drepturi:
- dreptul de informare si de acces la datele pe care ni le furnizati, precum si dreptul de a solicita rectificarea acestora atunci cand sunt inexacte;
- dreptul de a solicita stergerea datelor si/sau restrictionare prelucrarii acestor date, precum si dreptul de a va opune prelucrarii, in cazurile si conditiile stabilite de GDPR;
- dreptul la portabilitatea datelor, in cazurile si conditiile stabilite de GDPR;
- dreptul de a va retrage consimtamantul in orice moment, fara a afecta legalitatea prelucrarii efectuate pe baza consimtamantului inainte de retragerea acestuia.
Pentru exercitarea acestor drepturi, va puteti adresa cu o cerere scrisa, datata si semnata la adresa de email: sau la adresa de corespondenta a Operatorului mentionata mai sus.
De asemenea, aveti dreptul de a depune o plangere in fata autoritatii de supraveghere – Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal (ANSPDCP).
Pentru a afla mai multe detalii privind exercitarea drepturilor dvs. va rugam sa accesati link-ul alaturat care contine Informarea generala privind prelucrarile de date cu caracter personal.